Friday, July 27, 2007

Ready.... Set....... SOCKS!!

I'm getting excited to start kniting my first EVER pair of socks. So excited, in fact, that I have my little sock pouch all set up and ready to go. Not that I won't change my mind about what yarn to use between now and the time that I actually begin, but seeing my stuff all set up and looking so professional-like makes me feel like a true sock knitter!! Woo Hoo!

I just bought this little pouch a week ago, and that was the first time I'd seen one. It's made to be carried over the wrist so you can knit as you go: waiting room, public transportation, walking, and so on! Pretty nifty, really. That way, your yarn can't "get away" from you, especially when you're in a place with an "undesirable" floor. Yuck!

So guys, when should we start? What is your "cast on" date? Have you chosen a pattern yet? I still have to do that.


Alaina said...

I like that pouch - Did you order it online somewhere? If so...share ;)

I am liking the Fixation enough to go for it..I think I am going to attempt the ankle sock that Cass has posted.

Ready to cast the word go!

Alana said...

I went to Knitting Pattern Central and clicked on every sock pattern. Took me forever!! I even printed quite a few. I do really like the pattern you mentioned, tho. (Janis's Socks). It's just basic, and I'm thinking that's how I should start!

Anonymous said...

Oooooo cool bag!!! It's perfect for sock stuff! :)

I think I'm going to do the ankle sock too, using Fixation. But I also have some Wick, from Knit One, Crochet Too that I'd like to try. Hmmmmm.

I won't be able to cast on this week, likely, so don't wait for me! I'll catch up! :)